Military Affairs

We foster support and commit to the needs of military members and families who are assigned, attached to, or retired in our area by showcasing a military-inclusive community and the business community.

2022 Committee Chairperson

Renita Wicks

Renita Wicks


Cell: 760.686.8266
Email: [email protected]

“We focus on good will among the military installations and a shared understanding of what it is like to serve in the military away from home. We create an atmosphere of understanding among the military and the local business community.”

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 Connecting Local Military & Businesses

Military Functions

Connect with community leaders, businesses, and organizations through event attendance.

Fundraising & Mixers

Celebrate our rich military history in the region through outreach, events, and partnerships.

Monthly Breakfasts

Connecting businesses and non profits with Veterans Affairs,  NTC Fort Irwin and MCLB Command, County Representatives, and more!